Mytheast is a supporting organization for the celebration of the 74th anniversary of National Day and the "沉睡三千年 一醒驚天下" Chinese culture and Sichuan culture program
神話東方在慶祝國慶七十四周年暨「沉睡三千年 一醒驚天下」中華文化與川蜀文化課程擔任支持機構
We would like to express our gratitude to The Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions and Federation of HK Sichuan Community Organisations for inviting Mytheast to be a supporting organization for the celebration of the 74th anniversary of National Day and the "沉睡三千年 一醒驚天下" Chinese culture and Sichuan culture program. In this program, we provided virtual reality experiences. We believe that technology is one of the effective methods to promote Chinese culture, and we are delighted that the participants found this experience to be enjoyable.
感謝港九勞工社團聯會及香港四川社團總會邀請,讓神話東方在慶祝國慶七十四周年暨「沉睡三千年 一醒驚天下」中華文化與川蜀文化課程擔任支持機構。我們在是次課程中提供虛擬實境體驗。我們認為科技是推廣中華文化的其中一種有效方法,高興的是在場的學員都覺得這次體驗很有趣。